Most importantly, determining how to replicate much needed reports in Microsoft Project Online is an important step in the process. Excel and Power BI are the two most often used reporting technologies for Project Online. How will any gaps in reporting requirements be met?
Likewise, understanding these items up front will lead to a much more streamlined process. Some of the ways we help include:
Integent’s process for a migration to the cloud usually involves performing the migration process twice.
Development Migration
The first migration can be referred to the development migration. This migration helps uncover issues that may be encountered during the process of migrating to the project online tenant.
For instance, project schedules from the previous project management solution may not migrate correctly. For example, are we unable to open projects after the migration with Microsoft Project Professional? Perhaps items in the SharePoint Project Sites fail during migration, such as documents. Similarly, a lookup table may not come over correctly or even a project portfolio analysis is missing.
Although all migrations have challenges, migrating from earlier versions of Project Server bring up even more challenges. Consequently, a Project Server 2007 to Project Online migration provides some unique challenges. Subsequently, the route taken in your migration may require a Project Server 2007 to Project Server 2010 migration first. In short, this depends on whether the migration path taken involves any type of migration tools.
A Project Server 2013 to project online migration, however, is a bit less complex.
The importance of encountering and resolving these issues during the development migration cannot be understated. That is to say, resolving project and SharePoint data issues is important to the team. Most importantly, because it helps determine the length of time the production migration will take. Above all, we want a smooth and condensed production migration.
The development migration does not typically require migrating the entirety of the customers data. What it does entail is a full migration of the configuration and resources, with a subset of projects and SharePoint data.
Upon completion of the development validation the production migration is performed. Likewise, the process is the similar to the development with a couple caveats.
Once all migration activities have been completed, the production system would be validated. Similarly, the validation process would be just like that performed in development. Once complete, the system would typically be released to the user community.
If the customer intends on using the Project Online Migration as an opportunity to revise the configuration. That is to say enhance their configuration by creating custom fields and views. On the other hand perhaps trim their configuration of unused items.
Above all, this would typically be performed after the production migration has been successfully completed and validated. Microsoft PPM, the cloud based product has many features available. Though tempting, keeping it simple is something the better approach.
Integent is ready to provide Microsoft Project Online Migration Consulting services to move you to the cloud. Contact us for an assessment today.
Integent has helped hundreds of customers build or refine their project, resource, and portfolio management capabilities. Above all, we do this as part of our Microsoft Project Online Consulting services. Our customer results are undeniable. Moreover, the result of improvements that enable them to hit all their milestones and make informed decisions.
This is why Integent has earned exceptional client satisfaction and a 90% customer retention rate. And along with every single consulting engagement we also leverage our Microsoft Project Online Training services.
So give us a call and find out how we can help.